To utilize the most out of your compact, you have to ensure that you use every bit of it. But that is not the only available way to use your compact to the maximum. You can use your compact in some other way as well. Have you heard about it before, but you can use your old compact as a stylish DIY wall mirror? It is one of the best uses of the compact after its powder comes to an end. So, if you have a few compacts that are going to finish soon, consider turning them into a DIY wall mirror instead of throwing it away as trash.
Why use compact as a DIY wall mirror?
There are several reasons to turn your compact into a DIY wall mirror. It can be because you have an overflowing makeup drawer or have many empty compacts that have run out of powder or foundation recently. Or, if you wish to get rid of makeup past its prime, it is a good idea to turn your compact into DIY wall mirrors. You can reuse your compact mirrors by turning them into wall mirrors. The more compact mirrors you have higher is the flexibility you have with designing your wall mirror. So here’s how you can easily turn your compact into a DIY wall mirror. Read the following points thoroughly to understand the process.
List of things you will need to make wall mirror out of a compact:
- The very first thing that you need to perform this task is pliers.
- The next essential thing is a hot glue gun.
- Next, you will need plywood. (You need a piece of plywood to use it as a backing for your mirror. So, get plywood that is large enough to be used for this purpose)
- You may also require safety glasses. (It is optional, and you may consider wearing them for your safety.)
The procedure of turning a compact mirror into a wall mirror
To bring out the best uses of the compact from an empty compact is here’s a DIY procedure to turn them into decorative wall mirrors. Follow the following steps to create a beautiful DIY wall mirror:
- First of all, you have to cut the mirror out of the bottom of the compact with the pliers.
- It is advisable to wear safety glasses at this point. As in the case, any tiny pieces go flying and hit your eye.
- Attach a nail or any other such thing to the plywooD. You are doing it to make way for the completed mirror to hang at the back of the plywood.
- You can also paint the plywood with color using spray paint if you wish to do so. Further, you can also paint the compact with the same spray paint color to make them look uniform. Ensure that you cover the mirror before spraying the paint.
- Then mark the plywood with points for each mirror.
- Glue the mirror to the plywood, and you are done.
So, this is how you can bring out the most possible best uses of the compact. So go on and make the best DIY wall mirror out of the used compacts.