The world’s smallest McDonald’s has just opened in Sweden. The new restaurant is smaller than your washing machine but has two drive-thrus and an outdoor patio. While you may be wondering how it could possibly serve people at such a small size, it has no intention to. The restaurant was opened to serve bees! Read on to find out more.
A model scale replica of McDonald’s was built as a fully functioning beehive. The “restaurant” won’t serve any BigMacs but will provide ample resources to bees in the area. The idea came about as a tribute to an initiative spreading across Sweden.
What started as a small idea, to place beehives on the roof of a McDonald’s started to spread. Soon the majority of McDonald’s in Sweden were embracing the idea and other establishments too. The model was then created to highlight the current support that bees require in some countries.
The creators not only have beehives on top of the roof but have also changed the grass surrounding McDonald’s to flowers that actually support wildlife in the area. The idea is one of positive conservation.
While so many environmentalists have tried to tell people what they can’t do, many are now trying to show people that there are numerous fun ways to help the environment, like transforming your local fast-food restaurant.
The current bee population is declining at unprecedented rates. Some studies show that 1 in 4 wild bee species in the US are now at risk of extinction. Bees are incredibly important for plant life and the foods that we eat. Ensuring their survival is incredibly important for our own nutrition. Talk to someone in your local area about introducing more beehives to show support for the bee population. Saving the bee population is not about huge costs or sacrifice, it is just about being active and intelligent in our approach.